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This academic blog belongs to research programme NimRoD, which stands for “From Nimrod to Rome: Discovering ancient libraries” , funded by the LabEx “Pasts in the Present” (Université Paris-Nanterre). This interdisciplinary project concerns the study and presentation of collections of literary and scientific texts during Antiquity. It follows a comparing and trans-disciplinary approach which allows to look at scholarly collections and their products through a wide geographical space with interconnecting cultures (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome) and through time, from the 2nd millennium BC to Late Antiquity. We will study the libraries’ formation, their life and the multiple phenomena which led to their disappearance.

NimRoD is a project aimed at various audiences: researchers and lecturers, students, and general audience.

The main parts of this research programme are the following: an atlas/encyclopaedia of ancient libraries; the 3D reconstruction of the library of Nimrod; a research on the canonisation of texts; and the editing of ancient library texts.

These different projects will be presented here through the advertising of the programme’s events and publications, articles on the projects’ developments and their methodology, and the presentation of their results.

The blog will include articles published in French, in English, or in a bilingual version.



NimRoD: from Nimrud to Rome, Discovering ancient libraries is a  programme funded by the LabEx Pasts in the Present. This programme has received funding from the State through the Agence nationale de la recherche as part of the Investissements d’avenir programme  ANR-11-LABX-0026-01.